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Three trustees to be elected for Collin College

Three trustees to be elected for Collin College

At press time, two Collin College Trustees were among four candidates who have filed for the Saturday, May 3, board election. Candidates have until 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, to file for election to six-year terms in Places 4, 5 and 6. Place 5 Trustee Raj Menon of Plano...

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Legislative session underway in Austin

Legislative session underway in Austin

Collin County lawmakers have begun work in the 89th Texas Legislature with Rep. Candy Noble visiting the Lower Rio Grande Valley and Rep. Jeff Leach meeting with multiple groups, individuals and constituents from across District 67 and the state. “I’m glad that Gov....

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Council denies moratorium waiver

Council denies moratorium waiver

Members of Princeton Masonic Lodge No. 1436 present the Community Builder Award Monday, Jan. 27, to Local 5155 of the Professional Firefighters of Princeton.  Bob Wieland/Princeton Herald  Princeton City Councilmembers divided over whether the moratorium on new...

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Princeton wrestlers win New Year’s Eve Scuffle 

Princeton wrestlers win New Year’s Eve Scuffle 

Princeton freshman Mitzy Pineda spins behind her JJ Pearce opponent to earn two points for a takedown. The Lady Panthers won the team title at last weekend’s New Year’s Eve Scuffle, held at Frisco Emerson High School. Photo by Jerry Winfrey / C&S Media By David...

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PISD elementary students lag in reading

PISD elementary students lag in reading

Princeton ISD students continue to outperform regional and state standards in many academic disciplines measured by the Texas Academic Performance Reports, school trustees learned at their Monday, Jan. 13, meeting. The Princeton Independent School District, though,...

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New PISD policies adopted

New PISD policies adopted

The Princeton ISD Board of Trustees has updated district policy on teaching controversial issues including Critical Race Theory, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), gender fluidity, pronoun usage and potentially pornographic material. The new policies were adopted...

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PISD continued building for future growth

PISD continued building for future growth

The Princeton High School Class of 2024 celebrated their graduation. File Art Princeton ISD board members wrestled with the same growth problems facing the city as a whole as the district opened two new elementary schools, struggled to find enough teachers and adopted...

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Over 800 children adopted by Angel Tree

Over 800 children adopted by Angel Tree

The Angel Tree program, developed to assist less fortunate Princeton ISD students during Christmas, served at least 304 families and 854 children this year, Lions Club President Casey Gunnels reported to the Monday, Dec. 16, meeting of the Princeton ISD Board of...

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Life & Style

The Science of Sleep: Why rests matters at every age

The Science of Sleep: Why rests matters at every age

A good night’s sleep can feel like a luxury, but it’s actually a necessity for overall health. From boosting energy to protecting against chronic disease, sleep plays a critical role in well-being—especially as people age. Yet, many adults don’t get the recommended...

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Advance garden prep saves time, aids spring crops

Advance garden prep saves time, aids spring crops

With the exception of winter crops like hearty spinach and kale, Collin County gardeners should remove spent plants and debris from vegetable beds and flower gardens to prepare for spring crops. As winter’s chill settles over Collin County, gardeners might be tempted...

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A season of family tradition

A season of family tradition

One tradition Sonia Duggan kept is gifting a unique ornament to my children the night we decorate the tree. Her childhood ornaments—each a small, tangible reminder of her parents’ love—now hang alongside the ornaments her sons have received since they were born....

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A hare much

A hare much

Columnist John Moore recalls the friends of his youth, including Harvey The Rabbit. Photo: John Moore I never had more than one at a time, but I had stuffed animals.  Don’t all kids have a security blanket when they’re young? At first, I had a monkey who had a...

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President and accounted for

President and accounted for

Columnist John Moore rode the Washington, DC, subway to see the presidential inauguration. Pictured left to right are Moore, Rhonda Anderson, and Kristi Antonick. Photo: John Moore Most of us can cite a handful of times when we knew that we were witnessing history....

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Someone’s watching

Someone’s watching

While some in society have stopped wearing watches, columnist John Moore isn’t one of them. Courtesy John Moore I noticed his Watch immediately. I usually notice watches immediately. But his was especially noticeable. It was a Rolex. I don’t own a Rolex, but one day I...

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Agencies, universities seek $24.6 billion in new funding

Agencies, universities seek $24.6 billion in new funding

The Texas Senate’s chief budget writer said state agencies and higher education institutions have requested nearly $25 billion in funding as the legislative session gets underway. State Sen. Joan Huffman, R-Houston, told The Dallas Morning News that the requests for...

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The perplexity of dreams

The perplexity of dreams

I’m fairly certain my dreams have a drug dealer. What is it with dreams? Sleep is supposed to be an 8-hour window (mine’s never that long) when we rest, regenerate, and arise feeling as refreshed as the person in the Folger’s commercial who throws back the covers and...

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