Princeton City Council approved several plat requests, received a Scenic City certificate, discussed naming a new pump station after a former councilmember and held two public hearings during the Jan. 26.
Mayor pro tem Steve Deffibaugh presided over the meeting for Mayor Brianna Chacon, who was ill.
City council discussed naming the Forest Grove Pump Station after former Councilmember Richard Sheehan. City Manager Derek Borg thought naming the pump station after Sheehan would be fitting due to his time serving on the North Texas Municipal Water District.
The council agreed, and even though a motion was made to name the pump station the Richard Sheehan Municipal Pump Station at Forest Grove, Borg said an official ordinance would need to be on the agenda for the next meeting.
For the full story, see the Jan. 28 issue or subscribe online.
By Dustin Butler • [email protected]