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PISD elementary students lag in reading

PISD elementary students lag in reading

Princeton ISD students continue to outperform regional and state standards in many academic disciplines measured by the Texas Academic Performance Reports, school trustees learned at their Monday, Jan. 13, meeting. The Princeton Independent School District, though,...

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New PISD policies adopted

New PISD policies adopted

The Princeton ISD Board of Trustees has updated district policy on teaching controversial issues including Critical Race Theory, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), gender fluidity, pronoun usage and potentially pornographic material. The new policies were adopted...

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PISD continued building for future growth

PISD continued building for future growth

The Princeton High School Class of 2024 celebrated their graduation. File Art Princeton ISD board members wrestled with the same growth problems facing the city as a whole as the district opened two new elementary schools, struggled to find enough teachers and adopted...

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Over 800 children adopted by Angel Tree

Over 800 children adopted by Angel Tree

The Angel Tree program, developed to assist less fortunate Princeton ISD students during Christmas, served at least 304 families and 854 children this year, Lions Club President Casey Gunnels reported to the Monday, Dec. 16, meeting of the Princeton ISD Board of...

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Optional curriculum features Bible content

Optional curriculum features Bible content

Texas school districts may now choose reading and English language lessons linked to the Bible. By an 8-7 vote Friday, Nov. 22, the State Board of Education (SBOE) approved the optional Bluebonnet Learning curriculum drafted by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for...

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Campus food drive a success

Campus food drive a success

JROTC cadets help load food collected for the annual campus food drive benefitting local families. Courtesy Princeton ISD Although inflation continued to hit the North Texas area hard, especially when considering the increased prices at the grocery stores, enough food...

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PISD growth by the numbers

PISD growth by the numbers

The Princeton ISD currently has 29 actively building subdivisions and 12 future subdivisions in various stages of planning, Superintendent Donald McIntyre has reported. Presenting a biannual demographic report from Zonda Education, McIntyre also told PISD trustees...

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School board adds new trustee

School board adds new trustee

Newly sworn-in Princeton ISD trustees are Carlos Cuellar, Bianca Washington and Duane Kelly. Bob Wieland/The Princeton Herald Princeton Independent School District Trustees Carlos Cuellar and Duane Kelly have been confirmed for new terms after the school board...

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