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President and accounted for

President and accounted for

Columnist John Moore rode the Washington, DC, subway to see the presidential inauguration. Pictured left to right are Moore, Rhonda Anderson, and Kristi Antonick. Photo: John Moore Most of us can cite a handful of times when we knew that we were witnessing history....

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Social Security Matters

Social Security Matters

Ask Rusty – Can my wife claim her SS now and get half my SS benefit later?   Dear Rusty: My wife will reach her full Social Security benefit at 66.5 years of age which is just under 2 years away for her now. If she were to begin to get her monthly check now (i.e....

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Social Security Matters

Social Security Matters

Ask Rusty – Have I saved social security money by claiming at 62? Dear Rusty: I had to start collecting Social Security at 62, and I am 75 now. I believe that in the last 13 years I have saved Social Security money, so I do not know why I cannot draw my full benefits...

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What was in store

What was in store

Columnist John Moore likes the local hardware stores. And the free calendars. Photo: John Moore When Wal Mart grew, warnings that it would put the mom-and-pop businesses under seemed to come true. Now, online businesses seem to bring the same threat to Wal Mart. But...

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A lot of class

A lot of class

Suggested photo cutline: Columnist John Moore’s graduating high school class recently gathered for their 44th reunion. Photo: Olyvia Howard Bennett In the movie “The Big Chill,” a group of old friends gather for the funeral of one of their own, and it turns into a...

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Picturing Grace

Picturing Grace

Columnist John Moore grew up seeing a special painting on his grandmother’s wall. At least, he thought it was a painting. When I was a child, there was a painting that hung on my grandmother’s kitchen wall. It portrayed a man who was praying over a meal of bread and...

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I’ll split it with you

I’ll split it with you

While much of America enjoys four equal seasons, those of us in Texas celebrate two: Hot and less hot. Between October and February, it’s kinda cold in Texas. The rest of the year, it’s hot and humid. But, as September gives way to October, there is a feeling, albeit...

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Leftover Leftovers

Leftover Leftovers

Columnist John Moore believes some things are better left off holiday menus. Photo: John Moore “It’s a leftover. What a sad word that is. Leftover. How would you like to be… a leftover? Well, it wouldn’t be bad if they were taking people out to be shot. I might even...

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If you build it … sans instructions

If you build it … sans instructions

Columnist John Moore helped his father assemble a storage building on Thanksgiving Day in 1974. His family no longer lives at the house, but the storage building is still standing. Photo credit: John Moore The Beatles had a song called, “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts...

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